Find THC Drinks in the Twin Cities


Updated February 2025

Looking to go out for THC drinks in the Twin Cities? This map is for you!

Find Twin Cities restaurants, bars, breweries, coffee shops, and more with cannabis-infused drinks available on-site. We’re always adding to and refining the list as we find new places. 🌿


Looking for Alternatives to Alcohol

If you’re like us, you know the feeling of being left out when everyone orders an “adult beverage” and you opt for water because you’re not into drinking alcohol. Maybe you’ve tried mocktails and other N/A drinks like sodas and found them to be too sugary and not worth the calories.

Enter THC Drinks in Minnesota!

Once THC-infused drinks started becoming more of a regular sighting out at restaurants and breweries in the Twin Cities in 2023, many of us Cali sober folks felt like we could finally participate in “drinking” again. 🎉

We searched the web to find spaces that have cannabis beverages available on-site and quickly found — there’s not one great source! Why not compile our findings to share with others that are also looking for a place to enjoy a cannabis drink out with family and friends?!

We created the THC drink map to help you easily find a spot to grab a refreshing canna beverage! Maybe it will even spark a conversation about cannabis with the people in your life who are less familiar. 🌿

Happy Canna Drinking!

Pssst…know of a place that’s missing from the map? Send us a message.


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