GROWing Cannabis Brands online — Organically

Ready to get a little higher?


We're ready to take you there!


Ready to get a little higher? | We're ready to take you there! |

…Marketing It shouldn’t be.

Building a Cannabis Brand is hard enough…

Higher State Marketing navigates the ins and outs of online cannabis marketing and creates strategies that won’t put your brand at risk of getting censored.

Investing in owned platforms (i.e. website, web store, email marketing, etc.) creates the highest return, which is why we focus on elevating your website to share your unique brand story and attract ready-to-buy customers.

“I am truly in awww!!! You captured the vision so beautifully, better than I could have imagined!!!

It’s so exciting to see the story of our brand depicted visually and what it’s like to experience our products!”

Veronika, Owner of Mi Sota Essence

Building a business in the green industry is not for the faint of heart.

We understand the struggles of censorship, red tape, and stigmas that surround all aspects of cannabis brands because we’re going through it with you.

Trust us — we get it!

Movement-focused Photography + SEO

Featured Project

Our client came to us with a goal of showing the benefits of her CBD topicals and THC edibles. With the purpose of her products in mind, we created visuals to highlight the intention as well as the benefits of her products.


Cannabis-focused events for the canna-curious, enthusiasts and budding business owners held inside our northeast Minneapolis content studio.